First appearing in The Force Awakens, the quadjumper arrives to X-Wing™ as a Scum and Villainy ship, full of new maneuvers and dirty tricks. In addition to its pre-painted quadjumper miniature, the Quadjumper Expansion Pack allows you to militarize this typically unarmed ship with four Scum pilots and eight upgrades. These include new crew members, illicit technologies, and a modification that grants extra versatility to your tractor beam tokens. Finally, a unique elite pilot talent and associated condition help your elite pilots pay back their debts against those who have done them wrong.
Key Selling Points
• A Scum and Villainy starship expansion for the best-selling X-Wing Miniatures Game
• Features one highly detailed and pre-painted quadjumper miniature
• Allows Scum players to take advantage of the new Condition card type
• A new tech upgrade permits new setup strategies
• Comes with four ship cards and eight upgrades, plus all necessary tokens and dials